
Showing posts from November, 2016

PRODUCTION TIPS: Your January 2017 Calendar for Film Festivals, Screenplay Contests, Fellowships, Labs and Awards

The good people at  Script Reader Pro  have just made your life easier.  Why is that you say?  Because they've made your filmmaking life easier to manage this year with their  calendar of  all the major upcoming screenwriting contests  (orange) , awards   (blue) , festivals  (green) , fellowships and labs  (yellow)  in 2017. Like Yogi Berra says, “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.”    Monday, January 2   Hamptons Screenwriting Lab Late Deadline Thursday, January 5   Palm Springs International Film Festival Friday, January 6   Palm Springs International Film Festival   Lola Awards (German Film Awards)   Nashville Film Festival Screenwriting Extended Competition Deadline Saturday, January 7   Palm Springs International Film Festival Sunday, January 8   Palm Springs International Film Festival   Golden Globe Awards Monday, January 9   P

PRODUCTION JOURNAL: Danny Jiminian on Strategic Planning for Content Creators panel at the IPRHFF (Nov. 12, 2016) 10-11 AM

Tomorrow I have the privilege of being on a panel at the International Puerto Rican Heritage Film Festival (IPRHFF) with 2 talented and experienced filmmakers and producers, Christopher Lopez and Sonia Malfa. It will be moderated by consultant, Roxana Colorado.  We will share our experiences and advice on effective and strategic ways to get your film or tv show across the finish line. Among a number of topics, I'll be focusing specifically on how to protect yourself when you pitch a film, why you should always use contracts and how to build a relationship of trust with your investors. Hope to see you there! IPRHFF Multimedia Conference: TV, Film and New Media  New Location : Hunter College 68th St. & Lexington Avenue, Southwest corner West Building Room 714  [ Please provide ID at Visitor's Service Desk at building entrance ] 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM (Six Panels)  22 Latino Thought Leaders in Media & Entertainment and Moderators  FREE ADMISSION  RSVP Mandato

PRODUCTION JOURNAL: The Film Strategy 5 with Cindy Cowan, Producer

THE FILM STRATEGY 5 with Cindy Cowan Sad to say, but even in 2016, there are simply not enough women in Hollywood running things behind the scenes. While women do represent significantly on the silver screen [1] , they are underrepresented as decision-makers behind the silver screen.   Studies abound that demonstrate the dearth of women as directors, producers and executives in film and television. As one who craves perspectives beyond the ones we have been fed for years, I hope that these revelations will eventually make a difference. Until then, we should applaud the trailblazing women who have been able to make their mark, despite the odds against them. Cindy Cowan is one of these trailblazing women. A woman who began her career producing and writing for a CBS News affiliate in Miami, Florida, she then co-founded Initial Entertainment Group (IEG) in the 90s during the heyday of the indie film era. Under her leadership, IEG projects were nominated for two Emmys, Golden

CASE STUDY: When To Say No To a Film Festival

This Film Collaborative article offers a great look into the thought process that goes into deciding whether to screen your film at a particular film festival or not. Oftentimes, filmmakers make it to the film festival stage with no clear strategy or long-term vision. This article sheds some light on what filmmakers should do in that situation. -------*------- originally published by The Film Collaborative blog on 10.27.16 I love film festivals by-in-large and they have done great things for many of our films. In fact, we have multiple films this year that have generated over $50K in revenue on the festival circuit. Many companies cling to the myth that playing festivals hurts distribution deals and revenue, yet most of our top festival performers still received six figure distribution deals while continuing to generate revenue, awards and exposure on the circuit. While The Film Collaborative is perhaps best known for monetizing the film festival universe, we provide just