CASE STUDY: Top 13 Stories, Trends and Legal Decisions in Film/TV for 2013

on loan from Short of the Week - see their 2013 list of shorts 2013 winds its way to a close and we are wiser, wealthier or both. Hopefully. Wealth is never a guarantee for the veteran filmmaker let alone the first-timer. And, as a result, the wisdom gained can be bittersweet. Nevertheless, as a weird mix of artist and entrepreneur, the wealth and wisdom we attain can be measured and classified in a variety of blessed ways. Wealth and wisdom in practical knowledge, local connections and production experience are valuable indeed. We live and work in interesting times and the tech we use and watch, the society we live and practice in and the tactics and strategies we employ are ever changing taking our beloved art form to strange places. And until the end of time or until film as an art form is supplanted, each year brings something new that mattered in film and TV; whether its a modification of something old for new times or something simply brand n...