PRODUCTION JOURNAL: Gabriel Garcia Marquez interviews Akira Kurosawa
Yesterday, March 23, 2015, Akira Kurosawa would've turned 105. Since it's never too late to learn from a master, here is famed novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez interviewing Akira Kurosawa about the art and craft of cinema, filmmaking and screenwriting and most importantly, humanity. On June 23, 1991, a uthor Gabriel Garcia Marquez spoke with 81-year-old Japanese director Akira Kurosawa in Tokyo last October when the film maker was shooting his latest movie, "Rhapsody in August." The film, which is scheduled for release in this country in December, was recently shown at the Cannes Film Festival where, Marquez reports, it received public and critical acclaim but annoyed some U.S. journalists "who considered it hostile to their country." Marquez, a former film critic in Bogata, Colombia as well as the author of "A Hundred Years of Solitude," spoke with Kurosawa on a diverse range of topics for more than six hours. Gabriel García Márquez: I do...