
Showing posts with the label audiences

CASE STUDY: 8 Take-aways from the WGAW 2015 TV Report on Writers of Diversity

Some thoughts on " The State of Diversity in Writing for Television " Finally got a chance to read the WGAW 2015 TV Staffing Brief  and the findings are somewhat depressing: " Not only were minorities still underrepresented by factors of nearly 3 to 1 among all staff writers and nearly 7 to 1 among executive producers during the 2013-14 season, but women television writers also continued to tread water, at best, relative to their male counterparts. That is, women were underrepresented by factors of nearly 2 to 1 among all staff writers and more than 3 to 1 among critical executive producer positions. Meanwhile, older writers who were represented on nearly every show staff during the 2013-14 season saw their fortunes 14 drop precipitously beyond age 50, when they were absent from nearly a third of all shows. Findings like these highlight a glaring disconnect between the increasing diversity of audiences and business-as-usual practices in the Hollywood industry. "

PRODUCTION TIPS: YOUR Calendar for the Top Film Festivals and Markets in 2015

As the new year begins, you find yourself feeling excited by what you have accomplished in the previous year and what you will accomplish in the new year. And as a filmmaker, one of your goals should be to screen at a festival or visit one. It goes without saying that screening at a film festival will boost your career but even if you don't screen at one you should visit as many festivals as possible. Doing so will expose you to films that you can't see anywhere else. Aside from supporting the art and the business of film, you will find yourself inspired, entertained, or educated (ideally, all of the above) if you go to the festivals. Of course your time is limited and so while I advocate going to your local fests as much as possible, I also recommend going international. Of course, having your film screened in practically any film festival is a blessing and something to be proud of.  But there are a select few festivals that everyone wants to get into because of t

CASE STUDIES: Dealing with Chinese Censorship to Create Great Movies

The US film industry has seen the writing on the wall and knows that it's economic survival involves China.  But shooting in China and co-producing with Chinese companies means censorship is going to affect the story that makes it to the screen.  This willingness to give in to censorship even on non-controversial matters will stifle the creative decisions and directions of the filmmakers making the movies, maybe even to the detriment of the movie's quality.  A cynic might say that in the end, who cares about that as long as you're getting that box office yuan .  But it stands to reason that the kind of movie you make will determine how much of that money you make.  Put up a great movie and people will flock to it. Put up crap and people won't (at best you'll get a cult favorite that makes its money back over a long time, if ever). Most people are inclined to think that a great movie can't be made under the censor's watchful eye but that's not true. A

PRODUCTION JOURNAL: The Participant Index Attempts to Figure Out Why Media Audiences Love and Do the Things They Do

Back in March, 2014, Participant Media partnered with the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center's Media Impact Project (MIP) to announce their collaboration in the service of understanding the social impact of entertainment media.  Their efforts would be named The Participant Index (TPI) and would asses the impact of both Participant and non-Participant supported projects across the range of entertainment: narrative film, documentary films, scripted and reality/alternative TV, short online videos, CSR and branded entertainment. The NY Times now provides us with an update  on this latest quest to uncover the holy grail of audience metrics: ...[N]ew measures of social impact will enable sharper focus and rapid course corrections in what have often been guesswork campaigns to convert films into effective motivational weaponry. That approach would apply to a hit like the movie “Lincoln,” which counseled civic engagement, or to a box-office miss like the antifracking film “Promised

PRODUCTION TIPS: YOUR Calendar for the Top Film Festivals and Markets in 2014

My favorite thing about starting a new year is filling out my planner with all the deadlines and screening dates for all the major contests, grant applications, markets and festivals I want to enter or visit.   Doing this hones whatever filmmaking or networking goals I have set for myself and also allows me to plan out my goals for the year to see in an instant what I can realistically aim for and when.  No matter how successful the filmmaker, he or she is caught up in a cycle of developing, writing, producing and selling projects.  Moreso, the hungry filmmaker climbing up that ladder of success.  For the filmmaker at the bottom, knowing the top script contests, film grants, festivals and markets mark one of the key differences between becoming successful or not.   Knowing the top places to target means you are not wasting time chasing fruitless ventures.  So, if you are reading this, it's because you ARE serious about climbing up that ladder and getting to a poin