CASE STUDY: On Celebrities and Crowdfunding

The recent crowdfunding campaigns for Veronica Mars , Zach Braff and James Franco brought one thing dramatically to light: it's good to be a celebrity when you're crowdfunding. Celebrities tend to easily reach and even surpass their crowdfunding goals when they go online and ask for cash (James Franco is a rare exception - he only raised $328,329 out of the $500,000, still a sizeable number that a non-celebrity filmmaker would have a hard time getting). Even though they are subject to criticism for not offering profit participation in their films, celebrities do offer a panoply of prizes and rewards for the contributions they receive. I found that interesting since their prize lists are exhaustive. Filmmakers should learn from these celebrity campaigns even if they can't always do all of the things celebrities can do with theirs while also being attentive to potential changes or improvements occurring with crowdfunding legislation. Hollywood is watc...