
Showing posts with the label film markets

PRODUCTION TIPS: YOUR Calendar for the Documentary Film Grants, Fundsand Fellowships YOU Need in 2015

Will film scholars look back and consider this era the golden age of documentary filmmaking? Documentaries are all over the cinematic landscape from YouTube to Vimeo to TV to theater screens.  Whether you like the genre or not, the ubiquity and power of documentary filmmaking can not be denied. Aside from educating audiences, spreading awaress or inspiring viewers, documentaries also open the doors for filmmakers looking to start a successful career. With a powerful message, a compelling vision and low-budget equipment, there is no reason to NOT shoot a great documentary. Ok, I realize you still need funding... but guess what, you can get that too. You just have to know where to look and when to apply. So, without further ado... Below is a list of Funds, Grants and Fellowships that cater primarily to the documentary filmmaker.   DOCUMENTARY FILM FUNDS, GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS* Jan Pacific Islanders in Communications Media Fund   (round 1 - Three tiers of funding: research &

CASE STUDIES: Dealing with Chinese Censorship to Create Great Movies

The US film industry has seen the writing on the wall and knows that it's economic survival involves China.  But shooting in China and co-producing with Chinese companies means censorship is going to affect the story that makes it to the screen.  This willingness to give in to censorship even on non-controversial matters will stifle the creative decisions and directions of the filmmakers making the movies, maybe even to the detriment of the movie's quality.  A cynic might say that in the end, who cares about that as long as you're getting that box office yuan .  But it stands to reason that the kind of movie you make will determine how much of that money you make.  Put up a great movie and people will flock to it. Put up crap and people won't (at best you'll get a cult favorite that makes its money back over a long time, if ever). Most people are inclined to think that a great movie can't be made under the censor's watchful eye but that's not true. A

PRODUCTION TIPS: YOUR Calendar for 2014 Documentary Film Grants, Funds and Fellowship Applications

My favorite thing about starting a new year is filling out my planner with all the deadlines and screening dates for all the major contests, grant applications, markets and festivals I want to enter or visit.   Doing this hones whatever filmmaking or networking goals I have set for myself and also allows me to plan out my goals for the year to see in an instant what I can realistically aim for and when.  No matter how successful the filmmaker, he or she is caught up in a cycle of developing, writing, producing and selling projects.  Moreso, the hungry filmmaker climbing up that ladder of success.  For the filmmaker at the bottom, knowing the top script contests, film grants, festivals and markets mark one of the key differences between becoming successful or not.   Knowing the top places to target means you are not wasting time chasing fruitless ventures.  So, if you are reading this, it's because you ARE serious about climbing up that ladder and getting to a point where you ar