CASE STUDY: The Days of Summer for Broadcast TV

Reading this article by Lacey Rose, was an eyeopener (almost as much as this one ). The broadcast networks are truly trying to come up with ways to deal with their loss of ratings and audience viewership and one of the ways is by offering original summer programming. The time when they could take summer off and leave show development for the fall might be over for good now that cable has exploited that window to great success with year-round original programming. Although the 4 major networks are aware of the dilemma, the networks are going into summer with different strategies based on trying to answer the following question: How to offer originals in a way that's economically feasible at a time of year when viewership and ad money are down? Each of the networks are answering the question in different ways (see below). In turn, the answers made me think of what that could mean for TV producers and production companies developing future projects and which ...