
Showing posts with the label investors

PRODUCTION JOURNAL: Danny Jiminian on Strategic Planning for Content Creators panel at the IPRHFF (Nov. 12, 2016) 10-11 AM

Tomorrow I have the privilege of being on a panel at the International Puerto Rican Heritage Film Festival (IPRHFF) with 2 talented and experienced filmmakers and producers, Christopher Lopez and Sonia Malfa. It will be moderated by consultant, Roxana Colorado.  We will share our experiences and advice on effective and strategic ways to get your film or tv show across the finish line. Among a number of topics, I'll be focusing specifically on how to protect yourself when you pitch a film, why you should always use contracts and how to build a relationship of trust with your investors. Hope to see you there! IPRHFF Multimedia Conference: TV, Film and New Media  New Location : Hunter College 68th St. & Lexington Avenue, Southwest corner West Building Room 714  [ Please provide ID at Visitor's Service Desk at building entrance ] 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM (Six Panels)  22 Latino Thought Leaders in Media & Entertainment and Moderators  FREE ADMISSION...

PRODUCTION JOURNAL: What Filmmakers Can Learn From Shirley MacLaine's Adventures in Indie Filmmaking

Even a famous actress like Shirley MacLaine finds making indie films difficult.  I discovered this in an article she recently wrote about her experiences making the film, Wild Oats . Despite the difficulties, why making movies is a useful experience: Making a movie is the most useful experience I’ve found for getting to know more about myself. But you don’t have to be an actor or work in show business to have that experience. We’re all creating our lives every day. We are the actors and writers and directors and producers and financiers of our lives. So I’d say that means that our life itself is an art, one we’ve chosen to take part in. It’s like a movie we’ve chosen to make. Both need financing. Did anyone assure us when we were born that the money would be there?No. Did anyone assure me when I began Wild Oats that the money would be there? No. So why did I do it? Ambition? Adventure? Challenge? Fame? Because they asked me to? I’m not sure the “why” even matters now. How ...