PRODUCTION JOURNAL: Midweek Morning Mixer - 2.5.14 (United Artists edition)

My apologies for the temporary disappearance of the Monday and Midweek Mixers, I have been busy working with clients and developing projects for 2014 that rendered me unable to blog. Although I love searching for informative and fun stuff to add to the mixers, it's time-consuming so I can only squeeze them in whenever I can. Still, as busy as I get, I will do my best to continue to do so. And now without further adieu... Today in film history let's remember... 1919 – Charlie Chaplin , Mary Pickford , Douglas Fairbanks , and D.W. Griffith launch United Artists . 1933 – the birth of Jörn Donner , Finnish director and screenwriter 1943 – the birth of Michael Mann , American director, screenwriter, and producer 1948 – the birth of Christopher Guest , American actor and director 1948 – the birth of Errol Morris , American director Taking a cue from the formation of United ...