PRODUCTION JOURNAL: Midweek Morning Mixer - 2.5.14 (United Artists edition)

My apologies for the temporary disappearance of the Monday and Midweek Mixers, I have been busy working with clients and developing projects for 2014 that rendered me unable to blog.  Although I love searching for informative and fun stuff to add to the mixers, it's time-consuming so I can only squeeze them in whenever I can.  Still, as busy as I get, I will do my best to continue to do so.

And now without further adieu...

Today in film history let's remember...

Taking a cue from the formation of United Artists is a good reminder of the good work that can result when talented filmmakers get together. BUT, no matter how much talent is collected or how many good intentions they possess, your team also needs to have an effective strategy that can negotiate business and legal obstacles with as much deftness and creativity as you overcome your artistic obstacles.  Therein lies the key to success and longevity.

WRITING: Why are all screenwriting books a con?

PRODUCING: What are 17 ways to improve your chances of making it big with your film?

FINANCING: Will Congress do something about the production tax credit that expired in 2013? 

DIRECTING: What should you do after you yell cut?

SHOOTING: Which cameras were used by the 2014 Sundance filmmakers? by Oscar nominees?

LIGHTING: How does LED lighting change the way cities look on film?

SOUND: What should you know about location recording for a short film? (paywall)

STUNTS & VFX: What are the most complex and insane stunts in sci-fi movies and how did they pull them off?

EDITING: What should every editor know about motion graphics?

DISTRIBUTION: What are some good pieces of advice to get distribution in 2014?

MARKETING: Are one night event screenings successful for a film?

LEGAL: What are the different legal scenarios to overcome to get that music in your film?


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